The Binding of Isaac Wiki

> This chance is increased with Isaac's Tears stat?[]

Where does this come from? In the code of original game it’s:

//87 - Lokis Horns, 55 - Moms Eye, 2 - TheInner Eye
if (haveEffect[55] && (random(2) == 0 or haveEffect[2]) or haveEffect[87] && random(8) == 0) {
            create(trg.xp, trg.yp, 0, -xxenf, -yyenf, 0, 2);
            if (haveEffect[87]) {
              create(trg.xp, trg.yp, 0, -yyenf, xxenf, 0, 2);
              create(trg.xp, trg.yp, 0, yyenf, -xxenf, 0, 2);